Our professional drone photography & videography service provides exceptional aerial footage including 4K photographs & 4K-1080P-720P videos to showcase your real estate property from the sky.

Aerial footage is perfect for showing surrounding neighborhoods and for larger properties that include acreage. Drone photos & videos also provide context to nearby amenities and features.

Daniel St.Pierre & his staff offer professional aerial photography services at competitive pricing – And because we’re servant of the risen Savior, our pricing structure fits most budgets.

Aerial Imagery Helps You Sell Faster – Period!

Properties with aerial photos and videos sell 3X faster than other listings.

All our real estate drone photography packages include up to one hour of flight time on site.

Flights take place as soon as possible, with variables focused on the weather and your preferred turnaround time.

All photos & videos captured are available for download on site at no extra charge via a USB drive.


Real Estate Drone Photography FAQs


What’s included in my real estate drone photography package?

Peace Of Mind. All our packages include high-resolution aerial footage in the way of 4K photos and 4K-1080P-720P 60-30fps videos.

All real estate drone footage is yours to own and comes with unlimited rights to print, share and copy with no mention of your photographer required.

When will I receive my real estate drone footage?

After your order is placed via this website, Daniel St.Pierre or a member of our survey crew will evaluate your site location and advise whether a preliminary visit and additional planning is required.

Weather permitting, we can fly the very next day and deliver footage on site via USB, or online 2-3 business days later.

Who is capturing real estate footage and flying the drones?

Daniel St.Pierre is an award winning photographer and a FAA certified, Part 107 UAV pilot.

When working with Daniel St.Pierre & his staff, you won’t get an attitude or be exposed to profane language.

We are servants of the risen Savior, and we strive to provide the utmost in drone photography services throughout the Sunshine State and beyond…

Are you looking for a faith driven drone photographer for your real estate needs?

We invite you to call (727) 674-5681 now to discuss your project specifics, or contact Daniel St.Pierre by email by filling the simple form on this page.