14 CFR FAA Part 107 Practice Test.
Updated 06152021 151840Z
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The maximum altitude at which you can fly a drone in the US is:
The air temperature is 12 °C at an elevation of 1,250 ft. Using a standard (average) temperature lapse rate, what is the temperature at 7,250 ft MSL?
You are part of a news crew, operating an sUAS to cover a breaking story. You experience a flyaway during landing. The unmanned aircraft strikes a vehicle, causing approximately $800 worth of damage. Must you report the accident to the FAA?
Which of the following UA may only operate in “FAA-recognized identification areas”?
The Remote Pilot in Command (Remote PIC) is:
Warm air moved over a cold lake, on the leeward side of the lake you should expect?
You must be at least ________ years old to obtain a Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificate.
You must renew your UAV Registration every...
If the UA or Remote ID broadcast module indicates that the equipment is not functioning properly while the UA is in flight, the Remote PIC must: